0803 523 1424

0803 523 1424

Working environment: an introduction

Your working environment is affected by factors including health and safety, security and working hours. A poor working environment can damage your health and put your safety at risk and can also affect your company’s reputation making them liable to legal action of an employee is affected because your work place is unsafe.

Your employer is legally responsible for ensuring good working conditions, but you  also have a responsibility to work safely .

Health and safety

The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations – which became law in 1993 – lay down minimum standards for workplaces and work in or near buildings.

These regulations apply to most types of workplace except transport, construction sites and domestic premises. Workplaces must be suitable for all who work in them, including workers with any kind of disability.

You have the right to a safe and healthy workplace which is suitable for employees and visitors. This means that your employer must look at issues such as space, cleanliness, lighting and ventilation and adequate toilet, washing and changing facilities.

Workplace dangers are not always obvious but paying attention to these issues and those related to areas such as emergency lighting, suitable floors, safe traffic routes, windows and doors will help to achieve this.

Working practices and conditions that seem harmless can eventually lead to serious illness.

Employers’ duties and those of controllers of premises

Employers and controllers of non domestic premises have a general duty to  make sure that the workplace meets certain conditions.

Under the law, employers must:

Your health and safety responsibilities are to:

How AB-FACTOR can help

AB-FACTOR safety representatives can help ensure that your working environment is healthy and safe. On your behalf they can:

They also have the right to be consulted on any health and safety measures which might substantially affect their members.

Key facts

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